And just to be sure, we checked again, and he's still a boy--and it is very obvious on the ultrasound that he is a boy now--so we're safe sticking with Aidan Michael for a name :)
After the ultrasound, we had an appointment with Dr. Leeds for a check up, and my bump is still measuring small. I am measuring at 28 weeks when I'm 31 weeks, but since the ultrasound shows that our baby is the right size, he says that how I measure doesn't mean anything, its the ultrasound measurements that will tell us how the baby is growing--and he is perfectly healthy! I don't know why I'm measuring small, but I am and, thankfully, the baby is not, which is ok with me :)
Here's how I look as of today!
This is another picture of Aidan's face. It isn't as clear as the one we got last month, but I still think he's cute! His cheeks are starting to chub out a little ;)
Here's him sucking--if you look closely, you can see that his mouth is puckered.
I have been feeling very blessed lately. I have a wonderful husband who is the love of my life, I have a healthy baby on the way who I know will be loved beyond words by his parents, grandparents, and family, we have great families that I know love and truly care for us, and I have job that I love and look forward to that challenges me and rewards me in ways I never imagined--and everything else just seems smaller and less important when I think about all the great things I have in my life... and this is new to me because I am usually a big worrier and stresser... I am just feeling a new calm lately, and I know everything will be ok because I have everything I really need.