Wednesday, September 1, 2010


New months are always a big deal at kindergarten. Lately we have been focusing on finding words with the same beginning sound, so when I introduced September, I asked if they could think of any other words that begin like SSSSSSSSSSSeptember (and yes, I carry out the sounds forever when I am trying to get them to think about sounds.)

First girl I call on says "stars," "Yes, ssssstars does start like SSSSSSeptember!"

The next kid I calls on says "Sammie," "Yeah, SSSSSSammie does start like SSSSSSeptember!"

The next kid, who has been waving her hand in the air, has nothing to say when I finally call on her. I say "Think hard, what begins like SSSSSSeptember?" Her face lights up, "SSSSSOCTOBER!!" She was so proud of her word I say, "IT DOES! SSSSSSoctober isn't a real word, but if it was, it does begin just like SSSSSSeptember!!!"

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