39 weeks:
May 30th--the day we've all been waiting for--has come, and then gone, without a baby... I am officially overdue... And I feel overdue--all stretched and tired of lugging my own weight around... this happens to everyone, right? We are just ready to meet this baby!
I feel like I have everything ready to go. His clothes are all washed, his seat base is in the car, the house is spotless (I have been watching a lot of Hoarders on Netflix to pass the time, and we all know how that show motivates a person), and I have as much of the house packed for the move as possible. I really don't watch much TV, so I am trying to think of things to keep me moving these last few days just to keep me busy and to keep things moving along with the baby. I think I may make some freezer meals today to have ready to go for the nights we don't want to cook.
We had an appointment last Thursday. They did a non-stress test and the doctor said the baby is healthy enough to stay in there another week :) I was still at 1cm and not effacing much. He stripped my membranes, which I found out means he separated my amniotic sac from the lining of my uterus, which releases hormones to potentically induce labor (you know, I never thought I would have conversations with people about my cervex and uterus, but they are happening more and more these days :) ) I came home and googled what stripping membranes was because I didn't really know, and people on the internet make it out to be this horribly painful thing--and it wasn't. Yeah, it was uncomfortable, but the doctor didn't tell me he was doing it, I thought he was just checking to see how dialated I was, so I wasn't expecting it, and I didn't even know what he was doing at the time, and it defininately wasn't as bad as people on the internet make it seem. So to make a long story short, it obviously didn't put me into labor...
The good news about not having the baby yet is that I got to finish the school year! Last Tuesday I sent my kindergartners off to be 1st graders, and I got busy moving my room. I had WONDERFUL, AMAZING help from lots of people to get me moved!! I wasn't able to carry much, being 39 weeks pregnant and all... but I was able to pack all my old room and unpack most of my new room in the 2 days that we spent moving. I feel pretty happy with the progress I was able to make (even though my hips hurt so bad by the end of the day...), now I just need to decide how I am going to arrange everything in August--and by then I should be able to get around a little easier :)
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