Today I had a moment of pure happiness. I was in the library with my class for their weekly check-out time when a student asked where the Corduroy books were. Mrs. Pelfrey, our librarian, was busy checking kids out, so I said I would look for the Corduroy books. I found the Corduroy book right where Mrs. Pelfrey said it would be, by the Don Freeman books. After I pulled out the book, I looked at the book beside it, and I saw the book Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library--I couldn't believe it!! I immediately pulled it off the shelf, and it looked just like I remembered it. When I was in about 1st grade, this book was my favorite book. I would check it out almost weekly from the New Park School library. I would bring it home, and my mom would say something like, "Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library,
again?!?" I absolutely
loved that book!! Until today, I had not seen that book in probably 20 years (I can't believe I'm old enough to say I haven't done something in 20 years). Like a child I got really excited and told Mrs. Pelfrey all about my find, and I had to check out the book.
This afternoon, I sat down with my class and told them all about why the book was special to me. We had a talk about how they have favorite books the like to hear over and over again, and Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library was my favorite. Then I read them the story, and it was just like I remembered it. I was so happy to read it to them! Later, I texted my mom a photo of the cover and asked her if she remembered that book, and of course she did. She asked if I told them about how much I loved that book when I was a kid, and I said of course I did.
I don't want to sound completely cheesy when I say this, but finding that book made me feel all happy inside. It just flooded me with memories of being a kid, and reading the book with my mom. There aren't very many things that can bring that kind of simple joy.
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